Nanoblading Package
Discover the latest eyebrow technique
About This Service
Nanoblading offers precise and long-lasting eyebrow enhancement using an ultra-fine blade for natural-looking fullness. Our organic pigments create sharply defined, lasting strokes that match your natural brow colour. Results can last for up to a year. Purpose: Enhance shape, fix gaps, and add fullness to eyebrows. Our Nanoblading package includes the initial session, 1 touch-up session, and an aftercare kit. FAQs WHAT IS NANOBLADING? Nanoblading is an innovative semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that utilizes ultra-fine needles to create precise, natural-looking eyebrows. HOW LONG DOES NANOBLADING LAST? While individual results may differ, Nanoblading usually lasts for approximately one year before a touch-up is required. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NANOBLADING AND MICROBLADING? • Needle Size! • Results: Nanoblading tends to create softer, more natural-looking brows, while microblading can achieve a slightly bolder look • Microblading can cause potential scaring and pigment discolouration over time (red, purple) • Healing Time: nanoblading often involves less downtime due to the smaller incisions. CAN ANYONE GET NANOBLADING DONE? Nanoblading is safe for almost everyone, but here are a few people we wouldn't perform this treatment on: • Somone who is pregnant or breastfeeding • Skin conditions like Rosacea and Eczema • Recent scar on eyebrow • Recent Aesthetic procedures like laser peel, botox, and fillers: (These can affect the skins texture and sensitivity so I recommend waiting two weeks before booking your nanoblading procedure) • If you tint your eyebrows do it at least 1 week prior to your appointment IS IT GOING TO LOOK TOO DARK? During the initial session, we'll select a color that matches your natural eyebrow shade or a lighter tone. In the next session (complimentary touch-up), we have the flexibility to refine the shape and adjust the colour by adding additional hair strokes or deepening the hue. It's crucial to remember that during the first session, a less-is-more approach is preferred.

Contact Details
Mellings Drive, Woodbridge, ON, Canada
(416) 554-3117